The usage of wire wound potentiometers has varied hugely since we started manufacturing them well over 60 years ago. As modern electronic design concepts and digital electronics have evolved over the last 20 years the demand for wire wound potentiometers has declined however there is still a good market and demand for these products from a wide variety of nice markets. These markets include:
- audio amplifiers, both valve and solid state
- industrial control circuits requiring a wattage of 2 to 3 watts power rating
- lighting control circuits
- motor control circuits
- laboratory test jigs
- replacement market
- heater control circuits
- transportation related industries
As Australia’s only manufacturer of wire wound potentiometers we always ensure we can supply our products in a short lead time, typically 1 to 3 weeks after the receipt of a customer order. We can also manufacture wire wound potentiometers to customer specification. This can include”
- custom resistances
- dual gang
- custom made spindles
- assembly of the potentiometers into a customers housing or loom etc
Being able to customise our product range to exactly meet our customer requirements in a short time frame is hugely beneficial to our customers. We offer no charge samples for our customers to ensure that any custom made products can be thoroughly evaluated in circuit and that the physical parameters of the potentiometers meet the requirements of the clients’ equipment.