
Wire Wound Potentiometer For Audio Applications

Wire wound potentiometers have been used widely within the audio visual industry as a superior alternative to carbon based potentiometers for many years. Carbon potentiometers can exhibit the following negative qualities particularly in audio applications:

Carbon potentiometers can be ‘noisy’ electrically. As the carbon elements within the potentiometers age they can begin to generate electrical noise which, when amplified for example, can result in an inferior sound quality audio applications
Potential for failure in higher power applications. Carbon ‘pots’ generally have a lower wattage rating than their wire wound counterparts. This is often the case in high end audio applications employing vacuum […]

December 7th, 2013|Applications, wire wound potentiometer|

Power Resistor – HP 250 Watt Tubular Resistor

The range of tubular power resistors has been expanded to include a 250 watt version of this versatile range of resistors. This makes a useful addition to the range and higher power ratings are now available including 200 watt, 250 watt and 350 watt. High power resistors have been used in hundreds of applications by Australian industry over the last 40 years.
Termination Options For Power Resistors
This range of power resistors has a very versatile range of terminal options to suit different end applications and wiring situations giving manufacturers the ability to quickly wire up the resistors into the finished product. Termination […]

December 6th, 2013|Power Resistor|

Rheostat – Application Example In Remote Lighting

150 Watt Rheostat Application
Rheostats have been used in dozens of applications over the years. The APR 150 rheostat is rated at 150 watts and has proven to be very reliable in applications in many industries. The lighting industry has used high power rheostats in dimming applications where traditional switch mode light dimming technology is not appropriate due to the need for absolute simplicity and long term reliability of operation.

Recent Application In Agriculture in remote N.S.W.

A fairly unusual request from a client was received early this year. The client has a large property in central N.S.W. and needed a simple, cost effective and […]

November 25th, 2013|Rheostat|

Power Resistors – HA series power resistor application – Industrial Fan Speed Control

Application In Industrial Oven Manufacture
A Sydney based client approached us as they needed assistance in finding a suitable solution for an oven fan speed control application. The client manufactures a range of industrial ovens used for a variety of purposes from paint curing to baking enamel finishes onto metallic machined components. The ovens are constructed and designed using a motorised conveyer belt system that feeds the required items into a heating chamber which is heated by way of a number of high power industrial heating elements. When the items exit through the oven they then need to be slowly cooled […]

November 18th, 2013|Power Resistor|

Working With A Resistor Manufacturer

Australian Based Resistor Manufacturing Offers Benefits To Local Industry
Having a locally based manufacturer of wire wound resistors and power resistors is hugely beneficial for Australian industry as it allows local designers and manufacturers the following benefits:

Resistor customisation service. Given that the nature of Australian industry is generally ‘niche’ focused, it it often the case that local manufacturers need custom resistor solutions rather than ‘off the shelf’ products. Customisation of resistors can include many areas including resistor values, resistor tolerances, non- standard power ratings, different types of terminations and unique ways of mounting the resistors assembly. Recent examples include custom shaft […]

November 13th, 2013|resistor manufacturer|

Impulse Tolerant Power Resistor Application

Power Resistor – ASW Series Application Example
The ASW series power resistor by nature of its construction lends itself to high current in rush applications and have excellent impulse tolerant characteristics. Deigned primarily for printed circuit board mounting applications they have been used in products ranging from UPS’s, D.C. to D.C. converters, electrical metering and power conversion circuits.
Electrical Metering Application For Power Resistor
The ASW 2 precision wound power resistor is rated at 3 watts and has an available resistance range from 0.5 ohms to 1800 ohms and has available tolerances ranging from 1 percent to 5 percent. A client was developing a […]

November 7th, 2013|Power Resistor|

Wire Wound Resistors Used In Heavy Industry

Wire wound resistors have been used for many years in heavy industry in a huge array of applications where the need to dissipate a large amount of power in a resistive assembly is required. A recent application that required a 200 watt power resistor was in the mining industry where large electric motors used in the drive chain of coal conveyor belts, employed large capacitors that needed to be discharged safely and efficiently and required a suitable wire wound resistor capable of handling significant amounts of electrical energy during their discharge.

Mounting Considerations

The client had advised us that due to the […]

November 1st, 2013|Wire Wound Resistors|

Rheostat – Application Example

Rheostat Definition and Construction
A rheostat is a type of variable resistor, but is generally defined by having a high power rating. These power ratings available in the APR rheostat range are available from 25 watts up to 500 watts. When working with high power rheostats it is important that the quality of the device and its construction are of the highest standard to ensure reliability of operation over many years. Key design features of our rheostat range include:

Toroidally wound resistance element on a solid ceramic former
Coating of the resistance winding to maximise dissipation of heat from the element.
Minimisation of wear […]

October 7th, 2013|Rheostat|

Ceramic Power Resistor – Application Case study

50 Watt Ceramic Power Resistor Case Study
Manufacturers, in an increasingly competitive environment require long term reliability of componentry which can be customised to their application and designed for ease  of assembly and electrical performance. A recent enquiry was from an Australian manufacturer of industrial heating equipment. Their products use high wattage heating elements and large, high air flow fans which circulate heated air. The client had a requirement for a new circuit design that would allow for different fan speeds in the application. A high power resistor with suitable tapping was deemed to be the best solution.
The resistances required were […]

September 27th, 2013|Power Resistor Case Study|

Current Sense Resistor Application

Current Sense Resistor Case Study – Motor Control Application
Case study: Motor Control Feedback

A client manufacturing motorised garage door controllers had a pcb based micro controller circuit which required a determination of:

current flow through the garage door drive motor
overload of the drive motor, in instances where the garage door jammed or failed to move for some reason, indicating a fault. The micro controller then needed to receive this signal and then via a p.c.b. mounted relay, cut off the drive motor, avoiding damage to the motor and possible damage to the drive chain of the door opener.

Being a pcb mount design, the […]

September 19th, 2013|current sense resistor, Resistor Applications|