resistor theory

Cement Power Resistor

The term cement power resistor refers to a design and construction method of producing wire wound resistors and power resistors. This method of construction has been used for over 70 years and is still widely used today to produce resistors with these characteristics:

high reliability
low cost production
stable temperature performance
compact design
wide range of power ratings possible
resistance tappings possible
ease of mounting and a variety of types of mounting brackets available

Construction Of Cement Filled Resistors

The above image shows a PW50 50 watt wire wound resistor. The resistance winding is encased in a rectangular ‘ceramic boat’. Once the winding is placed into this ‘boat’ it is […]

Laboratory Resistor Applications

The Laboratory Resistor – Invaluable In Many Applications
The laboratory resistor (also referred to a a slider resistor) has been used for a convenient way to achieve and easily adjustable power resistance for over 50 years. Whereas a wire wound potentiometer offers a variable power resistor via a rotary form of adjustment, the laboratory resistor offers a way of adjusting the resistance via a linear form of resistance.

Many educational institutions such as universities, technical colleges and high schools use laboratory resistors in their electrical and electronics courses as they allow students to easily and accurately set a specific resistance value via the sliding […]

July 23rd, 2014|Power Resistor, Resistor Applications, resistor theory|

Wirewound Resistors – Basic Resistor Principles

Understanding Critical Parameters In Resistor Selection – Ohms Law
Going back to college fundamental physics is helpful in understanding the most commonly used parameters used in specifying wirewound and power resistors. Good engineering practice will generally mean that a certain degree of ‘over specifying’ will result in long term reliability and performance of the final product – be it a motor control circuit, power supply, resistor bank, heating or cooling appliances or printed circuit board control circuitry.

Resistance – Ohms Law

Ohms law is possibly the most fundamental equation taught in electrical engineering. It is the foundation principle used to determine the relationship […]