current sense resistor

October 2017 – Resistor Manufacturing Applications

Having manufactured wire wound resistors for well over 50 years there are very few applications that we have not come across. Current sensing resistors are often required in applications from motor speed control, electric motor overload sensing circuits and the likes. With the increased uptake of solar power in Australia in recent years, both off grid and grid connected there have been a number of local manufacturers (particularly in South Australia), involved in the manufacture of solar inverters ranging from 50 watts up to several kilowatts. One of the requirements of switch mode solar inverters is the need for a […]

October 18th, 2017|current sense resistor, solar power|

Current Sense Resistor Application

Current Sense Resistor Case Study – Motor Control Application
Case study: Motor Control Feedback

A client manufacturing motorised garage door controllers had a pcb based micro controller circuit which required a determination of:

current flow through the garage door drive motor
overload of the drive motor, in instances where the garage door jammed or failed to move for some reason, indicating a fault. The micro controller then needed to receive this signal and then via a p.c.b. mounted relay, cut off the drive motor, avoiding damage to the motor and possible damage to the drive chain of the door opener.

Being a pcb mount design, the […]

September 19th, 2013|current sense resistor, Resistor Applications|